b.glen中央研究所b.glen Central Laboratory
An interior renovation works on the 2nd floor of an RC office building.
The company was established as a cosmetics R&D company with a small laboratory in California, US. It lays out a laboratory, a manufacturing room, a storage room, an office room and a meeting room . Since each working staff performs several tasks at once, such as researches, manufacturing, administrative jobs and meetings with clients, each working space needs to be connected by glass partitions & doors for easy accesses. It also can get sunlight into the building. Laboratory may dart into the clients’ field of vision when they visit and woody feelings may bring them the warm and soft atmosphere of the company.
- 所在地
- 東京都港区
- 構造
- 鉄筋コンクリート造
- 竣工
- 2014年8月
- 施工
- 城東美装工業
- Location
- Tokyo, Japan
- Structure
- Reinforced Concrete
- Completion date
- August, 2014
- Contractor
- Joto Biso Kogyo
- Photo
- Kinase Kayo Arch Lab